
This project is a community effort, and everyone is welcome to contribute!

Thank you for taking a look at how you can contribute to the project! ๐Ÿ’š There are many different ways to help this documentation grow. In the following, we will list a couple of ways on how you can contribute to this project, or more generally, to the broader community ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

Give feedback#

The easiest way to improve the documentation is to highlight mistakes or areas that need further refinement.

The current design makes it easy to quickly provide feedback and highlight issues by utilizing the library. On the right-hand side, you can access a bar to see comments for the current page and create your annotations by highlighting text and clicking on the annotate selection. If you have annotated something on the website, please make sure to set it to public so that we can read it as well ๐Ÿ˜‰. As we arenโ€™t notified about annotations to the website, please inform us via GitHub issues or via e-mail that you added suggestions.

You are required to register/log-in to use (see the official documentation for more details) but you will only be required to do so once and can use it on any other website!

If you would like to provide more in-depth feedback and/or discuss something in more detail, feel free to open a issue on the GitHub issues page.

Increasing visibility#

  • Tell others about this interactive dataset website!

  • Star ๐ŸŒŸ the project on GitHub

  • Create a custom interactive website for a different dataset to make it easier for others to get started with it!

Directly update source code or notebooks#

To guarantee identical, working development environments, this project utilizes nix. nix is used to manage all of the heavy project dependencies and guarantees that the same versions are used, (hopefully) eliminating the sentence: โ€œBut it works on my machineโ€. The current project uses nix to manage the following dependencies:

Poetry is then used to manage all of the direct Python dependencies.

To further simplify the setup, the (currently still unstable) devshell tool is used to quickly and easily create a nix development environment that prepares a managed shell environment.

This simplifies the entire set up the development environment to

  1. Download and install the nix package manager

  2. Clone this repository with git clone

  3. Change to the downloaded directory with cd ben-docs

  4. Replicate the development environment with nix development (this may take some time depending on your download speed)

    • Requires the experimental (yet widely popular) experimental features nix-command and flakes. If you arenโ€™t interested in nix you can enable it only for the command invocation with nix --experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes develop

    • This has been tested on Linux and on Windows via WSL.

  5. Start hacking ๐Ÿ˜

If you create a PR, an automatic test suite will check if the documentation can be successfully regenerated (using nix). After all tests pass, we will try our best to get back to you as quickly as possible!

Thanks for your hard work and for sticking around until the end of the guide! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰